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Relative Strength Index (RSI)

Relative Strength Index (RSI)

  • date-icon Sep-02-2024

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a well versed momentum based oscillator which is used to measure the speed (velocity) as well as the change (magnitude) of directional price movements. Essentially RSI, when graphed, provides a visual mean to monitor both the current, as well as historical, strength and weakness of a particular market. The strength or weakness is based on closing prices over the duration of a specified trading period creating a reliable metric of price and momentum changes. Given the popularity of cash settled instruments (stock indexes) and leveraged financial products (the entire field of derivatives); RSI has proven to be a viable indicator of price movements.


RSI = 100 – 100/ (1 + RS)
RS = Average Gain of n days UP  / Average Loss of n days DOWN

For a practical example, the built-in Pine Script function rsi(), could be replicated in long form as follows.

change = change(close)
gain = change >= 0 ? change : 0.0
loss = change < 0 ? (-1) * change : 0.0
avgGain = rma(gain, 14)
avgLoss = rma(loss, 14)
rs = avgGain / avgLoss
rsi = 100 - (100 / (1 + rs))

"rsi", above, is exactly equal to rsi(close, 14).

The basics

As previously mentioned, RSI is a momentum based oscillator. What this means is that as an oscillator, this indicator operates within a band or a set range of numbers or parameters. Specifically, RSI operates between a scale of 0 and 100. The closer RSI is to 0, the weaker the momentum is for price movements. The opposite is also true. An RSI closer to 100 indicates a period of stronger momentum.

- 14 days is likely the most popular period, however traders have been known to use a wide variety of numbers of days.

What to look for


Wilder believed that when prices rose very rapidly and therefore momentum was high enough, that the underlying financial instrument/commodity would have to eventually be considered overbought and a selling opportunity was possibly at hand. Likewise, when prices dropped rapidly and therefore momentum was low enough, the financial instrument would at some point be considered oversold presenting a possible buying opportunity.

There are set number ranges within RSI that Wilder consider useful and noteworthy in this regard. According to Wilder, any number above 70 should be considered overbought and any number below 30 should be considered oversold.

An RSI between 30 and 70 was to be considered neutral and an RSI around 50 signified “no trend”.

Some traders believe that Wilder’s overbought/oversold ranges are too wide and choose to alter those ranges. For example, someone might consider any number above 80 as overbought and anything below 20 as oversold. This is entirely at the trader’s discretion.


RSI Divergence occurs when there is a difference between what the price action is indicating and what RSI is indicating. These differences can be interpreted as an impending reversal. Specifically there are two types of divergences, bearish and bullish.

Bullish RSI Divergence – When price makes a new low but RSI makes a higher low.

Bearish RSI Divergence – When price makes a new high but RSI makes a lower high.

Bearish Divergence creates a selling opportunity while Bullish Divergence creates a buying opportunity.